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SEND Information Report September 2023

SEND Information Report - September 2023 


Key information

SEND Coordinator: Gemma Shaw 

SENDCo contact details: 


Telephone number 01924 326708 

A SENDCo, or special educational needs co-ordinator, is the school teacher who is responsible for assessing, planning & monitoring the progress of children with special needs / SEND

SEND governor: Mel Woodcock 


Where to access the Local Authority's SEND Offer:

The Local Offer provides information for children & young people with special educational needs (SEND) & their parents or carers in a single place. It shows families what they can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health & social care.


Where to access the school SEND policy:

The SEND Policy is the most important document that a school develops when determining how they will meet the special educational needs of Pupils. It must reflect the statutory requirements & the actual practice of the school.


Where to access the School Accessibility Plan: 

The accessibility plan should cover the below 3 areas.

How the school will:

1. Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum

2. Improve the physical environment of schools to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of

education, benefits, facilities and services provided, and

3. Improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils.


What kinds of special educational needs do we provide for in our academy?

We are an inclusive school and aim to provide the best education for all our pupils regardless of need.  We cater for a variety of special educational needs which currently include:

●        Speech and language needs – speech sounds and other aspects of language delay or disorder

●        Autistic Spectrum and other pragmatic needs

●        Hearing impairment

●        Learning difficulties or delay

●        Social and emotional needs including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

●        Visual impairment

●        Medical needs

●        Physical disability or impairment

●        Dyslexia -  a common learning difficulty that can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling

●        Dyspraxia - difficulty in activities requiring coordination and movement

●        Down syndrome

●        Global learning delay


We have a number of pupils across school who work within the mainstream classroom following individualised timetables and a personalised curriculum that is focused on each child’s individual needs. 


How we identify if a child needs additional support

Our monitoring and evaluation cycle ensures we can identify children who are not making the expected progress. Teachers also review children’s progress regularly in order to inform planning for teaching and learning, using evidence from lessons, observations and assessments. Any children not making the expected progress are identified and additional support may be put in place within the classroom to accelerate progress. This will be discussed at pupil progress meetings that take place each half term between the class teacher and the lead teacher for the key stage, the SENDCo will attend them

throughout the year. Key stage leads will share information regarding pupil progress meetings that the SENDCo is unable to attend. If there are on-going concerns this will then be discussed with you over the phone or in a meeting that you are invited to attend to work together to find the best way forward. If you have any concerns, your first point of contact is the class teacher for an informal chat. In partnership with you, the class teacher will discuss any observations or concerns that they may have and agree on an appropriate way forward.


How we will consult parents & children & involve them in their education

Our monitoring and evaluation cycle ensures we can identify children who are not making the expected progress. Teachers also review children’s progress regularly in order to inform planning for teaching and learning, using evidence from lessons, observations and assessments. Any children not making the expected progress are identified and additional support may be put in place within the classroom to accelerate progress. This will be discussed at pupil progress meetings that take place each half term between the class teacher and the lead teacher for the key stage, the SENDCo will attend them throughout the year. Key stage leads will share information regarding pupil progress meetings that the

SENDCo is unable to attend. If there, are on-going concerns this will then be discussed with you over the phone or in a meeting that you are invited to attend to work together to find the best way forward. If you have any concerns, your first point of contact is the class

teacher for an informal chat. In partnership with you, the class teacher will discuss any observations or concerns that they may have and agree on an appropriate way forward.


How we will assess & review pupils with SEND progress towards outcomes

Individual support plans are written in partnership with the child and parents on a program called Provision Map. Parents/ carers and pupils are involved in developing their targets and the progress they make towards achieving them. Support plans will be reviewed on a termly basis on a whole school SEND assessment cycle.

Pupils with a ‘My support plan’ will also have termly reviews relating to their targets. A pupil with an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) will have an annual review that looks at the targets and we review them together with parents, outside agencies such as speech and language and the education psychologist where appropriate, school staff and the child where possible. Children and parents are central in the decisions made during reviews, with the child’s aspirations at the forefront when setting targets. These targets will be broken down throughout the year on to support plans to show they are making progress towards the outcome. Their work in class is used as evidence to show the targets are being met. For some children they will be tracked on our B squared connecting steps system from the

Spring term, to help inform targets and next steps.


How we will support children in moving between phases of education & / or preparing for adulthood

We have very good relationships with our feeder settings and the settings that most of our pupils move onto; we share information to support pupils’ learning and well-being at transition. Further support is provided as necessary for those with SEND including additional visits to the new setting, both individually and as part of an enhanced transition programme for identified pupils. Key workers will come and visit them in school to help build relationships prior to them moving. We also use a one page profile to share additional information that could be important to staff who will be supporting your children moving forward.


Our approach to teaching children with SEND & how we adapt the curriculum & learning

environment for pupils with SEND

Children identified as having SEND are supported to access all aspects of school life. The SEND Code of Practice 2014 makes it clear that all teachers are teachers of pupils with additional needs Teachers have the highest expectations for all pupils Teaching is based on building on what the child already knows, can do and can understand Different teaching strategies and resources are used so that all children are able to access learning and

be successful. Teachers carefully check children’s progress and identify children with gaps in their learning that need additional support to help them make the best possible progress. These children are discussed with the senior leadership team, including the SENDCO. We carry out specific small group support for children identified as needing additional support with learning. . Progress will be closely monitored, the impact measured and reviewed. Children on the SEND support is a type of intervention available for children with specific

barriers to their learning that cannot be overcome through Quality First Teaching. Additional specialist support from an external agencies or professionals may provide guidance to enable appropriate


How we train our staff who provide support to pupils with SEND & the existing expertise they have

We invest time and money in training our staff to improve Wave 1 provision for all students, to develop enhanced skills and knowledge to deliver Wave 2 (short term support interventions) and Wave 3 (individualised support and interventions).

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is an experienced teacher who has undertaken the National Qualification in Special Educational Needs, as well as receiving ongoing SEND training in specific areas.

All our teachers hold qualified teacher status and all staff members, including TAs and HLTAs, receive regular training to best support our pupils with SEND, for example in dyslexia, Autism, speech and language needs.


How we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for pupils with SEND

We evaluate the effectiveness of the provision that is made for pupils with additional needs using a program called Provision Map. This allows staff for evaluate intervention impact. Where impact is not being made me will change the provision that is being provided to better suit the needs of the school.


How we encourage & enable pupils with SEND to engage with activities available to pupils with no SEND requirement  

Our Equality/Inclusion Policy promotes involvement of all of our learners in all aspects of the curriculum including activities outside the classroom.

Where there are concerns for safety and access, a personalised risk assessment is carried out to consider if reasonable adjustments can be made to meet any additional needs; if appropriate parents/carers are consulted and involved in planning.


How we engage with other bodies such as health, social care & LA support services in meeting a pupils SEND requirements & supporting their family

The SENDCo works closely in partnership with other schools in the area, where we share expertise and collaborate in termly planning meetings with the education psychologist. Suitably trained and experienced teachers and support staff are employed in school and training is planned for regularly at an

individual and school level. A range of NHS staff may work in school with the permission of parents, when a referral by school or the GP has been made and accepted by the service. They may also provide training

to staff. Staff include e.g. Speech and Language Therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and school nurses. The schools Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Catherine Brackenbury who makes appropriate links with social care providers and make referrals as necessary. All staff are responsible for maintaining records of disclosure or concerns about

children via CPOMs. Please refer to the safeguarding policy, available on request. We will also make referrals to outside agencies to request support for SEND children where we feel we need some specialist guidance and advice. Some of the agencies we work with are: Specialist Provision for ASC, Specialist Provision for Speech, Language and

Communication, Specialist Provision for Hearing or Sight impairment, Support for SEMH, Portex for early year’s intervention and support and Occupational Therapy. We will also signpost parents to relevant agencies that can support them directly such as ESCYP who work privately to provide counselling for children with anxiety and bereavement and CAMHs.

What are our arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEND about our provision?

In the first instance you should discuss any concerns with your child’s class teacher and then the SENDCo.  Most complaints can be solved by talking with us as soon as you have a concern. However, if you still feel your complaint has not been dealt with please follow our school complaints procedure. This can be found on the school website: